TimeLine Layout

June, 2023

  • 10 June

    Road transfer offer excites jury

    The Union Parish Police Jury is considering an offer by the Department of Transportation and Development to turn over responsibility for portions of two state highways to the parish along with a tempting up-front, lump sum payment to maintain those highways for decades. DOTD is offering to transfer responsibility for a portion of Highway 552 near Point Wilhite and a …

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  • 8 June

    June 8, 2023


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  • 8 June

    Two roads diverged: lessons learned

    On the walks my husband and I take through Cook Park on the outskirts of Ruston, a diverging path often comes into view, and my mind wanders to Robert Frost’s poem “The Road Not Taken.” This poem has been a favorite of mine for decades, and I find myself pondering its meaning time and time again. In “The Road Not …

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  • 8 June

    Wake Up to Reality

    Occasionally we wake up to a reality that had only been supposition prior to this realization.  Many times we have a tendency to say that the problem is someone else’s issue; “better he than me”. Then one day like a bolt of lightening an epiphany takes place and suddenly reality strikes.  What had been supposition becomes life. We are experiencing …

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  • 6 June

    Union Parish Citizens of the Yer honored

    Foul weather may have prevented the keynote speaker from attending the Chamber of Commerce’s annual banquet last week, but it didn’t prevent the people of Union Parish from gathering to recognize some of their most admired neighbors. Despite a torrential downpour that grounded airplanes and washed out roads, hundreds turned out to the Willie Davis, Jr. Recreational Ccenter to recognize …

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  • 6 June

    The moon mysterious, a fisherman’s friend

    Glynn Harris I am already looking forward to June 3 when the next full moon makes its appearance. Out where we live in the country, there is something mesmerizing to drive east down our road at dusk and see the full moon pulling itself up from the wood line. If it’s a high pressure, low humidity day, the moon is so …

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  • 6 June

    How to spot anxiety, depression in senior citizens

    Although some seniors may assume that sadness or depression is just a part of growing older, feeling “the blues” consistently for several weeks, months, or longer not a normal part of aging — it’s a real, treatable medical condition. According to America’s Health Rankings from the United Health Foundation, nearly 15 percent of people ages 65 and older have been …

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  • 6 June

    Betty Street shooting leaves couple shaken

    Stacey Gatson hasn’t been to work since a bullet came through the wall of her Betty Street home early Sunday morning and lodged in the mattress on which she and her husband, James, slept. Outside the house it was chaos, according to witnesses, as victims lay wounded and the shooters fled. The wounded, whose names were not released, suffered non-life …

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  • 6 June

    Buffalo Landing Road dispute escalates

    The ongoing dispute for ownership of Buffalo Landing Road escalated this week when attorney Johnny Dollar said he intends to sue five members of the Union Parish Police Jury for depravation of property rights over their refusal to abandon the road.

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