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Democracy: Just Do It!

By LUKE BRITT/Editor Professors, pundits and politicians preach political participation year after year, decade after decade and still, election after election, only about half of eligible voters show up.  The 2020 presidential election was different, of course, but only because voters were angry and our anger kind of took the shine off what should have been a moment of national …

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We have come far, but there’s more to do

By Tuffy Fields America went through a tumultuous time in its’ history during the 1960s. Civil rights went to the forefront of America’s interests and was right there with Viet Nam, the Kennedy assassinations and landing a man on the moon. It was a hard struggle and within Louisiana’s political landscape the ability for minority voting was enhanced with the …

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Teachers receive supplemental pay UP, Downsville charter enter lease agreement for surplus busses

The Union Parish School Board at its regular monthly meeting Monday approved one-time supplemental paychecks for current employees and approved retention and recruitment supplements for certified teachers who renew their contracts and new certified teachers hired for the coming year. The supplemental pay approved by the board is as follows: Certified teachers and administrators who were employed by the district …

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