What a mess has been witnessed. The economy is not in good shape despite what some politicians tell us. Out of control government spending coupled with poorly selected projects followed by wage and price inflation is a cocktail for economic doom. Oil prices lead to higher prices at the pump and store. Fuel to transport goods plus crude to manufacture plastics in addition to fertilizers manufactured from hydrocarbons lead to higher food prices. Dependency on foreign oil leaves a country vulnerable to those that desire to do harm to our nation. Two major threats come immediately to the mind; those being Russia and Iran.
The expense of war weighs large on the economy. Following a war we experience a sugar high in the economy as money flows through the nation fueled by a spend-at-all-cost philosophy as national pride and a win-at-no-cost cost envelops the nation. Eventually the costs and the spending catches up to a nation and difficulties emerge if the leadership does not address the issue at hand.
Entertainment and technology takes a dramatic expansion. The way we listen to music propels entertainers to a point that they have great influence on the culture of our nation. Both the quality and the delivery of music greatly expands with the improvement in technology. Computer gaming has the ability to reshape America’s pop culture.
Politics, both national and international, is a turbulent boiling caldron that threatens the future of the world. Iran spreads its hatred and funds terrorism with money from oil sales. America has a watered down military and the adversaries are quite aware of the weakness of the United States. America’s allies are also aware of this weakness and distances itself from a wibbly-kneed once great nation.
Illegal immigration has put Americans at odds with each other. Immigration is a twofold issue. First, establishing control of people entering the country is of paramount importance. There is a law prohibiting entry into the United States without permission. This law is broken each day but it is also realized that many entering America do provide a service to the economy. There is also the realization that many entering America become a burden on the country. This highlights a second issue to the immigration problem. How do we fund and manage the immigrants once they arrive? All in the country are actually on a path to citizenship.
This is a pretty bleak picture; one that espouses gloom and doom and leads one to believe that the world is near an end. If only we had that unique leader that throws caution to the wind, takes bold steps and leads America and ultimately the world to a much better place.
Everything I wrote about does not pertain to today. Though it sounds like the nightly news, it is what we witnessed forty years ago and the leader that navigated the treacherous minefield of prior incompetence and built a strong nation was Ronald Reagan. When things appear overbearing and strong leadership is needed, the cream will rise to the top.
In 1981 mortgage lending rates reached over 18%. I recall a statement being made that the 4-5 % rates experienced since the end of World War II would never be seen again. The cost of extravagant government spending was with us. In 1979 Iran overthrew their pro-American leader and attacked and captured the sovereign land of the U.S. Embassy. Iran thumbed its nose at what had been a military power and America’s government allowed it to happen. The American manufacturing industry fueled the economy and the auto industry was a key contributor to its success. In 1980 the industry had become lethargic and cars sat unsold on auto lots across America. Ironically, with everything at a point that economic growth was thwarted and inflation uncontrolled, oil prices did not come down. America paid historically high rates to foreign countries that were awash in oil. The term is stagflation to define the most horrible situation an economy can experience. Immigration was a problem and it went so far that the picture of a cage used to house illegals in Union Parish made the national news. Eventually, all immigrants living in the United States would be granted citizenship as a “one time only” process but would not be repeated. Will this be what happens?
Let us hope we can get back to the values that built our country and let us hope that we ask what is best for our country. In the words of John Kennedy, “Ask not what your country can do for you, Ask what you can do for our country.”
God Bless America, God Save the Ukraine and Pray for Israel.
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