Union Parish 4-H’ers had the opportunity to compete for best in state in more than 40 events ranging from plant identification, photography and fishing sports to speechmaking and fashion design. During 4-H U, participants were introduced to aspects of life that college students experience on an everyday basis. 4-H’ers had the opportunity to tour a working dairy, a biomedical center and athletic facilities. 4-H’ers observed how college students live during the week by residing in campus dormitories and eating at campus dining halls. Union Parish had six 4-H’ers that took up the challenge and competed. Three of the six took home blue ribbons.
In addition, 4-H’ers that did not want to compete could take part in the noncompetitive learning event called Clover College. Union 4-H’ers had a chance to explore the world of sports, how to become a veterinary, 2D and 3D Drafting, Cover BattleBots, Sound, Music, and Thinking outside the Box, and Industrial Maintenance. 4-H’ers participated in 7 hours of interactive and fun presentations on these topics. Presenters included LSU faculty, LSU AgCenter faculty and special guests from around the state. It’s an opportunity for 4-H’ers to bring back what they learned to their home parish and communities. Union Parish had one 4-H’ers in this learning event.