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When Marion Played Sports – The Douglas Family Legacy

Editor’s Note: This is the tenth installment of the When Marion Played Sports series. Click the link to see all the articles in the series. By Jackie HuntContributing Writer Legacies – “something that is a part of your history or that remains from earlier time”… Cambridge Dictionary.  It would be hard to discuss sports legacies around Marion, LA without starting with the …

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When Marion Played Sports – The Douglas Family Legacy

Editor’s Note: This is the tenth installment of the When Marion Played Sports series. Click the link to see all the articles in the series. By Jackie HuntContributing Writer Legacies – “something that is a part of your history or that remains from earlier time”… Cambridge Dictionary.  It would be hard to discuss sports legacies around Marion, LA without starting with the …

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Husband and wife outdoor writers tell tales, talk turkey

  Jim Spencer’s books, Bad Birds 1,2 and 3. I have this quirky friend up in north Arkansas that you really have to keep your eye on. Here’s what I’m talking about…I was invited once several years ago to fish the Little Red River in Arkansas for trout. Jim Spencer, Keith Sutton and I shared a boat and although the …

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