Over a century and counting

Wednesday August 7, 2024

Hello to all our readers and thank you – and your ancestors - who have supported the Gazette since 1878. The Gazette is one of the oldest newspapers in America, having served Union Parish for 146 years – yes, 146 years. [https://www.loc.gov/item/sn88064076]

Local newspapers are disappearing across America due to technology and increased costs associated with paper printing and circulation expenses, not to mention media behemoths acquiring and closing media outlets to reduce competition for advertising revenue and to mold the news to fit their business models.
Previously owned by the Ruston Leader, the Gazette was offered for sale a few years ago. Wanting to preserve this local paper for the community, Karl Malone and I purchased it. Karl did so more as a favor to me I think than anything else. Karl is a great friend and a tremendous asset to our state. In July of this year we made another agreement and I am now the sole owner of the Gazette, thanks to Karl.
Union Parish has given me a lot and I have been blessed in ways I do not deserve here – but I am very protective of her. It is my fervent hope that this paper survives for many years to come and serves this parish as well into the future as it has in the past 146 years.
I am not a perfect person. I wish that I were. What we publish here we believe to be the truth. If we are in error, please tell us. We do hold public officials accountable and if we print about them, we attempt to fairly source the information printed, present both sides and when possible, have in hand public records supporting the articles. Sometimes the truth hurts, but it’s still the truth and the public should know the truth.
No public official should hold office if he or she is not willing to “let the sunshine in” and make sure the public is fully informed of their actions, their motives for acting and if appropriate, disclosing conflicts of interest. Considering the excessive tax loads placed on the shoulders of our citizens, this parish should literally have the best government money can buy. Please help us work toward achieving that goal.
The Gazette appreciates your support and I thank you for the privilege of working with you to help make our community a better place.
Johnny Dollar

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