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Navigating life through a literal lens

When I was a tyke of 5 or 6, I found a tick on the left side of my chest. I was terrified.   I had heard that ticks suck your blood, and there sat a tick – right on top of my lifeblood. Surely he was going to drain my heart dry. I was going to die.  Sallie HollisSallie Rose …

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Artificial intelligence is not new

Artificial intelligence, AI, has been in the news lately and the discussion has been centered around the AI programs going rogue and ruling the world.  While the familiarization of the new technology is just being understood, artificial intelligence has been with us for years.  The following is an article I wrote in July of 2017 that addressed AI. Thomas FieldsThomas …

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Glynn HarrisGlynn Harris is a long-time outdoor writer from North Louisiana and has won more than 50 writing and broadcasting awards during his 47 year career. There was a time years ago when I worked as a journalist for Willamette Industries, creating and producing newsletters about how the company’s policies promoted good habitat for wildlife. One of the events I …

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UPPJ financial position improves slightly

By Luke Britt/Editor An increase in assets with only a minimal increase in expenses left Union Parish in a slightly better financial position at the end of 2022 than it was at the end of the 2021, according to the Union Parish Police Jury’s annual audit.  The audit, completed in mid-August, found no major issues with the jury’s financial reports, …

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Burma Road culvert project presents problems

By Luke Britt/Editor A project to replace a pair of failing culverts on Burma Road is turning out to be one of the more difficult projects the Union Parish Police Jury has attempted this year and may well be the parish’s most expensive culvert project ever. After months of trying to locate a contractor willing to undertake the difficult project, …

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Ramsey proposes moving $2 million to LNB

By Luke Britt/Editor A special tax election, the 2022 financial audit, an expansion of the parish’s heavy hauler ordinance, an emergency road project and repairs to Scotts Hideaway Road were among the items approved by the Union Parish Police Jury during its regular monthly meeting Tuesday. During committee meetings earlier in the day, jurors also discussed the possible hiring of …

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Wayne Lowery Abercrombie

Wayne Lowery Abercrombie, a beloved husband, father, and esteemed member of the community, passed away on August 26, 2023, at his residence in Mooresville, NC, at the age of 78. He was born on May 31, 1945, in Seneca, SC, to Raymond Abercrombie and Mildred Lowery Abercrombie. Wayne led a life filled with passionate pursuits and unwavering dedication. Graduating with …

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Is integrity dead?

It’s election season for many local and state elections in Louisiana. Occasionally a previous article resonates today just as it did when originally written.  The following is a republished and updated article related to the election year that we are currently in.  The content is general in nature and relates to all positions in our elected process/ Thomas FieldsThomas “Tuffy” …

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Response to Maui Fires Brings Katrina to Mind

If you live in Louisiana, we know all about a dysfunctional response to natural disasters. Remember Katrina? Are we witnessing another lackadaisical and dysfunctional response to the wildfire tragedy on the island of Maui in the Hawaiian lands? So far, news reports cite some 2000 businesses and homes destroyed with over 1000 residents who still remain uncounted for. Jim BrownJim …

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