Thomas Fields

Thomas "Tuffy" Fields is an author and regular contributor to The Gazette. He can be reached by email at

Move, shoot and communicate

Thomas FieldsThomas “Tuffy” Fields is an author and regular contributor to The Gazette. He can be reached by email at The United States Army Officer Training has been a cornerstone of leadership training for our nation. A cornerstone that leaves little to doubt the ability of the U.S. Army to train America’s leader for the future. While we have …

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Time for a rootin tootin convention

Thomas FieldsThomas “Tuffy” Fields is an author and regular contributor to The Gazette. He can be reached by email at It’s time for a real presidential convention. We have had some real whoppers over the years. Louisiana backed Johnson when Kennedy was selected and would later win. I knew a delegate to that convention and the back room politics …

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China rising

Thomas FieldsThomas “Tuffy” Fields is an author and regular contributor to The Gazette. He can be reached by email at Many recognize China as a country of modern growth with high rise apartments, large manufacturing facilities, technological innovation and even a nation aspiring to place a flag on the moon. While this is true the road to this modern …

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Words that endure for a lifetime

Thomas FieldsThomas “Tuffy” Fields is an author and regular contributor to The Gazette. He can be reached by email at Every once in a while a speech is given that captures the essence of the moment in its entirety. A speech that becomes etched in time and goes far beyond the original intent and portrays the conscience of an …

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A message from the past resonates today

Thomas FieldsThomas “Tuffy” Fields is an author and regular contributor to The Gazette. He can be reached by email at Every once in a while I stumble across a message that is inspirational or prophetic. A speech that withstands the test of time and is as true today as it was when it was first written. Occasionally I reprint …

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Lest we forget – America the great

Thomas FieldsThomas “Tuffy” Fields is an author and regular contributor to The Gazette. He can be reached by email at To paraphrase an observation ,”One generation will build it, the second generation will enjoy what was built and the third generation will waste it”.Three generations ago our grandfathers laid down their tools, or school books, or plows and walked …

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So what’s wrong with this

Thomas FieldsThomas “Tuffy” Fields is an author and regular contributor to The Gazette. He can be reached by email at Several years ago I wrote about the disfunction that was sweeping over the legislative branch of our federal government. This disfunction that was occurring during the Obama administration dealt with not working together for the nation; throwing off the …

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Never thought

Thomas FieldsThomas “Tuffy” Fields is an author and regular contributor to The Gazette. He can be reached by email at Last week I sat glued to a television that displayed images of an America that I never thought would be displayed to a shocked world. This was not the first time the world witnessed an orchestrated attack on Jews. …

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War is hell

Thomas FieldsThomas “Tuffy” Fields is an author and regular contributor to The Gazette. He can be reached by email at I deplore the use of four-letter words on television, radio and in print but every once in a while it is totally appropriate for a certain situation. War is Hell; regardless of how you view it, try to justify …

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The beautiful dogwood, a beautiful story

Thomas FieldsThomas “Tuffy” Fields is an author and regular contributor to The Gazette. He can be reached by email at When I was in elementary school I had heard the story of the crucifixion of Jesus. For those that are younger, you heard right; I heard about it not only in Sunday School but also in school. Being Cristian, …

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