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Earl Long-model for the modern day democrat

Thomas FieldsThomas “Tuffy” Fields is an author and regular contributor to The Gazette. He can be reached by email at Most people that have been raised in Louisiana have to some extent been exposed to the Long’s family and their political legacy on the state and the nation. What is interesting to note is that the tentacles of this …

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Serve your country – then get swiftboated?

Jim BrownJim Brown is a former Louisiana state senator, Secretary of State, Commissioner of Insurance and a regular contributor to The Gazette. Well here they go again.  Political extremists who work behind the scenes in both national political parties have dusted off their old playbook by attacking the military record of both vice presidential candidates. Such attacks even have a …

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News Briefs

Museum to host conservancy repAugust 22Nikki Mattson, Southeast Field Representative for The Archaeological Conservancy, will give a talk in the Union Museum of History and Art on Thursday, August 22, at 5:30 p.m.Mattson will outline the work of the Conservancy in identifying, acquiring and preserving the most significant archaeological sites in the United States. She earned her bachelor’s and master’s …

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This week in Sportsman’s Paradise: Flavors of Health

(Pictured is Markaye Russell, LSU AgCenter Nutrition and Community Health Agent, Ouachita/Union Parishes Demonstrating making homemade bread with group adults at Union Parish Library) By Markaye RussellLSU AgCenter, Area Nutrition Flavors of Health is a nutrition and health program with a community focus that provides classes and workshops on a variety of topics that empower individuals and families to …

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UPPJ Fires Contractor – No Reason Given

Last week at its monthly meeting, the Union Parish Police Jury fired its ‘Certified Building Official’ [building inspector], Inspections Unlimited, LLC, owned by Chad Parker and others, although the company had been doing a good job. The firing was without notice to the contractor and with no reason given for the termination, provoking a heated argument among the jurors, some …

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The supreme court is supreme

Thomas FieldsThomas “Tuffy” Fields is an author and regular contributor to The Gazette. He can be reached by email at Some of the most intelligent men of their time came together to decide what the complexion of a new nation would look like. Men such as Benjamin Franklin, inventor, scientist, politician and above all a patriotic statesman, met to …

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Dum-Dums: savoring a sweet 100 years

Sallie HollisSallie Rose Hollis is a native of Rocky Branch and retired Journalism Professer from Louisiana Tech University. Contact her at Dum-Dums are turning 100 this year. That’s right. The little candy that inspired so many childhood sugar rushes is a century old – and I’ve been helping celebrate the occasion. Maybe you’d like to get on board. I …

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During the weekend of August 23, 2024, the Union Parish Sheriff’s Office will conduct a sobriety checkpoint inside the boundaries of Union Parish, Louisiana. This checkpoint will not be limited to the parish only and may be conducted within a city or village limits as long as it is within the parish. The purpose of this checkpoint is to deter …

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Over a century and counting

Johnny Dollar Wednesday August 7, 2024 Hello to all our readers and thank you – and your ancestors - who have supported the Gazette since 1878. The Gazette is one of the oldest newspapers in America, having served Union Parish for 146 years – yes, 146 years. [] Local newspapers are disappearing across America due to technology and increased costs …

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News Briefs

Museum to host conservancy repAugust 22Nikki Mattson, Southeast Field Representative for The Archaeological Conservancy, will give a talk in the Union Museum of History and Art on Thursday, August 22, at 5:30 p.m.Mattson will outline the work of the Conservancy in identifying, acquiring and preserving the most significant archaeological sites in the United States. She earned her bachelor’s and master’s …

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