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The election police are coming

Alright all you Swifties. I have some bad news for you. When you go to the polls to vote for president on election day, no Taylor Swift hats or shirts will be allowed. This policy of cutting off poor Taylor’s paraphernalia will no doubt be in effect in a number of states across the country. Particularly in states where Republicans …

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Don’t worry, it’s going to be OK

Our beautiful country is in a dilemma. For that matter, our beautiful planet, that glowing blue sphere floating in space, is in a dilemma. Chaos is everywhere. Some say we are on the eve of destruction. Some will even say that even if changes are made there is no coming back from the abyss. The world is doomed; or is …

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Feb. recognizes risk of violence in teen couples

Editor’s Note: February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month. The following commentary was submitted by the Union Parish DART program. In 2010, Congress declared February as Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month. It is a great reminder for DART, parents, caregivers and teachers to begin a conversation about preventing dating violence.We teach our children from a young age to be kind …

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