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Good news, France and Louisiana

By Jim Brown My family and I are currently on an extended vacation to Paris and Provence in central France.  Relations with our country never have seemed better.  Our welcome was quite warm everywhere we traveled.  President Biden has developed a close and warm relationship with current French President Emmanuel Macron. And that’s good news for Louisiana.  It wasn’t too …

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Right to repair time has come

As tractors became more sophisticated over the past two decades, the big manufacturers allowed farmers fewer options for repairs. Rather than hiring independent repair shops, farmers have increasingly had to wait for company-authorized dealers to arrive. Getting repairs could take days, often leading to lost time and high costs. A new memorandum of understanding between the country’s largest farm equipment …

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Unexpected benefits in every note

Let’s play a game. I’ll list the benefits of a particular activity, and you try to guess which pursuit it is. Ready, set, go! Improved respiratory function. Increased aerobic exercise. Stress reduction. Enhanced mental alertness. Better posture and muscle tone. Boosted immune system. Maybe we’re talking about running? Or walking? Or yoga? Could be. But add to that list: Expanded …

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