Election Time

By the time this is read America will be in the last couple of days before our national election. For us in North Central Louisiana a mayorship, a congressional seat that could determine the speaker of the house of representatives in Washington and the president and vice president of the most powerful country on the planet will be determined. It will not be merely positions filled at a 4-year election cycle. It will be a determination of the direction America will travel as it maneuvers through a minefield of social and moral issues that threatens the country envisioned by our forefathers.
I had mentioned that we would be a few days from voting when this is published. Truth is, voting has been on-going for several weeks in our home state of Louisiana. The dates of early voting, if there is early voting, is left to the individual states to determine. While the date of early voting is determined by the states, the one official date for federal elections is set by the federal government. Preliminary voting suggests a record output of those that have all ready cast their votes for individuals wishing to serve America. Unfortunately , many Americans view those elected officials as being more like rock stars to be pampered and entitled to favors and accolades not allocated to the typical citizen. Unfortunately, many of the elected officials expect to be treated as superior to those that elected them. Truth is, the elected officials have been selected to serve those that placed them in office and not be served by the citizens that elected them.
As we view our elected officials we need to elect those that have the leadership to place his or her constituents in the forefront of decisions that are made. Our elected officials must have the leadership to see over the horizon and say what can be and not dwell on what is. Old school politics must be replaced by strong leadership while the day of the party machine must go by the wayside and instead embrace the world of clear thinking, hard work and above all the virtues of ethics and integrity. We elect a candidate; not a group operating behind the scenes. The term “honesty is the best policy” needs to be taken off the shelf, brushed off and re-introduced into the vernacular of our great nation.
I have never endorsed any political candidate in my thirteen years of writing, and I continue with this. I state my feelings and beliefs and let the reader determine the best course for our state and nation. After almost one thousand writings I leave this with you. Elect someone with the strength and fortitude to lead our great nation and lead it in a way that our forefathers would not be ashamed of. Select someone that can walk the walk and not just talk the talk. Place someone into the positions of power that brings religious values with them. Above all, place someone into office that appreciates the votes received and not feel that they deserve the votes. If I want to see a rock star I will go to a concert, not a political rally.

God Bless America, God Save the Ukraine and Pray for Israel. Please, above all, go vote. The ghosts of half a million patriots will appreciate you.

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