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Candidates qualify for October 14 primary elections

Six candidates claim victorybefore a single vote is cast Staff Report The qualification period for the October primary elections ended Thursday, and six local races appear to have already been decided. Incumbent Clerk of Court Dodi Eubanks and incumbent Tax Assessor Lance Futch are unopposed, giving them de facto victories for those offices. Coroner Renee Smith chose not to seek …

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Once in a blue moon event on tap

If you’ve been waiting for that special something that happens once in a blue moon, this may be your lucky month – and you’ve got three weeks to prepare for it. A blue moon will occur Aug. 31. Sallie HollisSallie Rose Hollis is a native of Rocky Branch and retired Journalism Professer from Louisiana Tech University. Contact her at …

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War in the desert – America at best

By Tuffy Fields I can’t believe it’s been thirty-four years. Occasionally events happen in our lives that are so indelible in one’s mind that the event remains crystal clear over the years. So vivid are these memories that they feel as if they happened only yesterday. For me one of these occasions was the invasion of Kuwait by Iraq; an …

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