Cross Trail Outfitters coming here

I was one blessed little fellow growing up in the country. I had a dad who felt it important to teach his two sons all about the outdoors, not only about how to handle a firearm and how to sneak up on a squirrel. Dad was also a Chistian, a deacon and active member of our church so his teaching always included the importance of Tom and me recognizing and appreciating nature and the God who created all those things about the outdoors we grew to love.
Not all kids are as fortunate as Tom and I were. There are youngsters today who don’t have a dad at home. Some of those who do have dads at home might find him preoccupied with climbing the corporate ladder to the point it’s the most important thing in his life to the neglect of his parental role of training his offspring. On the other end of the spectrum, there are dads who for whatever reason, shirk their fatherly duties.
Mark Johnson, founder of Mark Johnson and Sons Plumbing in Ruston, is one of the fortunate ones. He and his brothers were a lot like my brother and me who had a dad who saw the importance of getting involved with and teaching them about the outdoors from a Chistian perspective.
Because of his convictions, Mark Johnson felt and responded to a “calling” or challenge to become involved in an organization that would have the responsibility of sharing what he grew up loving with youngsters less fortunate who perhaps had an interest in learning to hunt and fish but never had the opportunity.
Cross Trail Outfitters (CTO) has named Johnson as the facilitator of that organization’s venture into north Louisiana. The organization’s mission statement involves guiding the next
generation to Christ through the outdoors. Additionally, CTO provides the mentorship, training and assets for kids to go hunting and fishing while insuring a wholesome and fun environment in which participants can grow in their knowledge and reverence of God.
Youngsters from ages 7 to 20 are offered a wide range of year-round outdoor activities. This includes the inclusion of a summer camp experience for kids with activities including fishing, hunting, swimming, archery, paintball, shooting education and much more all the while teaching kids to develop a deeper understanding of their Creator.
“Because of the way I was brought up and the fact that now I have kids and grandkids, I know how important it was for me and I have instilled in them the desire to learn about God’s creation and how to get the most out of it just like I did,” said Johnson.
As this new organization for our area gets up and going, Johnson said he has recruited a group of guys with similar interests who will be valuable in working with these kids.
“There are several ways folks can help. We’re looking for land owners who might make their property available for us to take kids, we’ll need guides to be there with the kids and we also need supporters that can offer financial support. Of course,” he added, “we always need prayer support in what we’re trying to do.
“We are in the process of getting a website ready for kids interested in what this organization offers. In the meantime, they can call me at 318/278-9482.”
The goal of Cross Trail Outfitters, as stated on a brochure about the organization notes the following; “Building men, preserving our heritage and sharing our faith.”
“Maybe it was only natural that I would be interested in having a part in this group because I can put the two things important to me together,” said Johnson, “loving the Lord and loving the outdoors.”

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