
Seeking the ‘Hallelujah yes!’ moments

Take a moment to ponder: What’s that one thing that, when it happens, makes you want to shout, “Hallelujah – yes!” and fight the urge to do a fist pump? Sallie HollisSallie Rose Hollis is a native of Rocky Branch and retired Journalism Professer from Louisiana Tech University. Contact her at sallierose@mail.com. I’ll bet if you take a minute, you …

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Being broke is not the same as being poor

There is an enormous difference between someone who is broke and someone who is poor. Being broke refers to a current financial situation. Poor, however, is a state of mind.The person who is broke can rectify their circumstances by improving their finances. As a solution, they seek to change their behavior in ways that improve their finances. There are countless …

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Insurance regulation lacking in Louisiana

When I first took over as insurance commissioner in 1991, things were really in a mess. Regulation by the Louisiana insurance department was nonexistent. I shut down 40 insurance companies that were broke and never should have been licensed in the first place. I couldn’t imagine things being any worse. Well, I was wrong. Jim BrownJim Brown is a former …

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Constitution guides us today just as in 1776

Thomas FieldsThomas “Tuffy” Fields is an author and regular contributor to The Gazette. He can be reached by email at thelouisianaexplorer@yahoo.com. The world is in a perilous place. Not since the end of Desert Storm has the world been in such a state of war; a state that threatens to expand and grow to a world wide conflict. Already we …

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Environmental win-win possible with carbon capture

State and industry officials are bullish on the prospect of Louisiana becoming a national leader in the practice of carbon capture and sequestration, basically capturing carbon dioxide that would otherwise contribute to atmospheric warming and injecting it deep into the ground.With huge economic development projects lining up — and with a full understanding of the state’s extreme vulnerability to rising …

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Saban’s superpower was leadership

I don’t normally write a sports column, but a few words would seem appropriate after Alabama’s football coach Nick Saban announced his retirement last week. Simply put, love him or hate him, Nick Saban was the nation’s best college coach in recent years, and maybe the best college coach ever. Jim Brown Now, many LSU football fans don’t want to hear …

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America’s Navy has been here before

When I was in Navy bootcamp we spent many hours in classes learning the fundamentals of being a good sailor. While much of this information has been locked in the recesses of the gray matter between the ears, some tidbits seem to remain present in my everyday memory. Thomas Fields One of these learnings was the mission of the United …

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Higgins: Closed primaries are long overdue

Editor’s note: The following is an editorial submitted by Congressman Clay Higgins. Higgins is a republican who represents Louisiana’s 3rd District in the U.S. House of Representatives. The Louisiana Legislature has convened for an important special session that will determine the future of our state’s electoral processes. This includes a critical vote on Governor Jeff Landry’s bill to implement closed …

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Gaza War: Keep an eye on the Suez Canal

Israel is at war and a major concern to this war is the attack on shipping by the Houthis of Yemen. This is critical to the world as the attack on shipping in the Red Sea waterway threatens to disrupt commerce around the globe. Thomas FieldsThomas “Tuffy” Fields is an author and regular contributor to The Gazette. He can be …

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Family saying legacy: Don’t eat they all!

Through the years we Hollises have accumulated a potpourri of sayings that we cherish and never tire of repeating. Some we coined ourselves; some we collected from other sources. Often, I remember them around the holidays, from all those wonderful family gatherings of the past. Sallie HollisSallie Rose Hollis is a native of Rocky Branch and retired Journalism Professer from …

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