Time to unite and grow America

Donald Trump is the newly elected President of the United States of America. He is replacing President Joe Biden. When President was elected in 2020 he invited the Republicans in joining him to work together to pull America together after polarization threatened to destroy our noble nation. Within two days it was realized that what he meant was for the Republicans to embrace his agenda and join him to implement it. This offer was not accepted and America continued to divide.
We are at a low point in America when it comes to the polarization of political parties, ideology and the future of a great and noble nation. The deep seeded dislike is so strong that it is wondered if there is any cure for the political pandemic that lives in Washington.  So nauseating is the current situation that there are news junkies that have sworn off watching any news on television or social media; sports junkies that have sworn off watching any football or basketball broadcasts; political junkies that want to hear nothing of the current political situation.    
The week following the election of Donald Trump, a devout conservative, two major liberal broadcasters from MSNBC visited Trump at his home in Florida. What a wonderful opportunity and gesture to begin the healing process of America. Unfortunately many liberals demonized the visit and verbally destroyed the couple and the action. Pulling America together will not be easy.
We have reached a point that there seems to be nothing that can be done about political ideology that is destroying our nation instead of building it.  When we see a Democratic Senator give a conciliatory hug to a Republican Senator on the Senate floor and then get chastised and then hear cries of having her name stripped from a high school in her home town, things are bad.  Then just when we feel that all is lost, some glimmer of hope appears that gives us reason for optimism. The recent presidential election is not a glimmer, however, it is a mandate to get our country back on track utilizing the core values that built our great nation.
While researching a book I came across a letter that showed how grownups should act; especially when the future of our nation appears to be so bleak.  This letter follows:
Dear Sir
This will express my appreciation and commendation of the article written by you and published  in the Post of September 9th, under the title of “The Challenge of Liberty”, and to say that while I do not agree in every particular with your conclusions or your recital of fact that in the main you are correct.
Further in the first five paragraphs of the article your discussion of freedom and liberty is a one hundred percent jewel, brilliant because of its truth and radiance, and further because the necessity of the wearing of such a jewel by our officials of the nation and of every state at this time. 
It is decidedly the best article ever written and published by you, better yet it will be progressive of some considerable thought and notion in this country on the part of legal Americans irrespective of party affiliation.
This letter was written in 1934 by the Democratic Chairman of the Louisiana Public Service Commission, former state senator, former chair of the Democratic Central Committee and four-time delegate to the Democratic National Convention. The letter was addressed to the former President of the United States, Republican Herbert Hoover.  Just as today there was then no love lost between the Democrats and the Republicans.  Herbert Hoover began the massive Hoover Dam project near Las Vegas.  When Roosevelt took office the name was changed to Boulder Dam and many Democrats took credit for the entire project.  The name was eventually changed back to Hoover Dam.  It is quite refreshing to see that a sworn political enemy can be so cordial and appreciative of written dialogue from an adversary. 
If a senior member of the Democratic party could cast aside political bias and congratulate a former Republican president for his stand on Americanism, can any member of either party look for the good in a political opponent and show some semblance of unity when a common patriotic theme is struck.  Can we not get back to a country where the nation is paramount above all else.
God Bless America, God Save the Ukraine and Pray for Israel.

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Sallie HollisSallie Rose Hollis is a native of Rocky Branch and retired Journalism Professer from …

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