Some of the most intelligent men of their time came together to decide what the complexion of a new nation would look like. Men such as Benjamin Franklin, inventor, scientist, politician and above all a patriotic statesman, met to craft the Constitution of the United States. George Washington resided over the Constitutional Convention. Future leaders such as Jefferson greatly influenced what would be the icon of freedom and democracy though he was not present at the convention.
The new nation, the United States, would have three branches of government. One of the three would be the Legislative Branch. This branch is usually referred to as Congress and is composed of the House of Representatives and the Senate. The primary job of the Legislative Branch is to make laws and represent the people of the country. Another branch of government is the Executive Branch. The Executive Branch is headed by the President of the United States. This branch is responsible for the operation of the country and make treaties with foreign governments. A third branch of our government is the Judicial Branch. The purpose of the Judicial Branch is to interpret laws and insure that laws that contradict the Constitution are struck down.
Part of the design of the new form of government was the idea of the separation of power. This was a check and balance to insure that no one branch of government has power over another branch of government. Unfortunately, the Judicial Branch has come under ever-increasing fire from the executive branch of government and members of the liberal side of congress. It seems that the Judicial Branch is being scrutinized and the two other branches of government feel it necessary to police it. Our founding fathers did not feel this was necessary and todays “modern” government should also find no need to oversee nor regulate the Judicial.
It is a sad day when elected officials decide to scrutinize the highest court in the land. This form of politization threatens to destroy the moral fabric that build this great nation. Amid cries of term limits for justices, code of ethics for such noble men and women and increasing the number of justices the Legislative branch does not have the right to legislate the Supreme Court.
The Supreme Court must feel on occasion that it is under siege. Congressmen are on the attack while demonstrators have harassed the Judicial at their private homes. Chuck Schumer even declared that “we are coming for you” and called several justices by name. Ironically, Teddy Roosevelt, a staunch Republican, made the same comments about monopoly owners in the early 1900s
The executive branch nor the legislative branch of government have no right imposing moral judgement on the supreme court. Has the supreme court ever condemned the other branches for insider stock trading, term limits, age restrictions or flying friends and family on government aircraft. The answer is “no” and the reason is due to the Supreme Court not being a political entity or puppet.
Instead of demonizing why don’t adversaries within America come to a common ground and put country above all else. Instead of hatred lets espouse hope. Instead of looking for cynicism lets search for faith.
God Bless America.
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