Spring Break Safety Tips

Chief Jones would like to take this opportunity to inform the citizens of Union Parish and the surrounding parishes of the upcoming Spring break, which for most area schools will be taking place March 17th – 21st. With all the excitement of being out on spring break, I would like to offer a few Safety Tips to make sure this will be an enjoyable time for all. Tip 1: Parents that work during this time please make sure that your child/children are left in the care of a responsible person or persons. Never leave them home alone to care for themselves. Tip 2: With the warm weather easing its way in, make sure electric fans are being used with parental supervision. Never leave floor units unattended in the home with a small child/children. Children are very curious, and it only takes a second for an accident to happen. Tip 3: Check stove and vent hood to make sure that they have not accumulated grease build up due to grease fires. Tip 4: Keep a fire extinguisher on hand, making sure that they are in working condition. Tip 5: Check all fire alarms making sure that batteries are in working condition. Tip 6: Practice family safety drills to ensure that everyone arrives in a designated area in the event of a fire.

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