We in north Louisiana did not get to enjoy all that takes place when we get snow, which we didn’t get this time around. Folks in the southern portion of the state were busy making snowmen, having snowball fights, making snow ice cream and in one of the most extreme things I have ever heard, skiing and ice skating on Bourbon Street in downtown New Orleans of all places.
There is one thing, however, we upstate folks can share with our snow-bound neighbors to our south. We all get some hunting seasons extended.
According to a press release from the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries, because of unusual weather conditions that put a stop to hunting for a few days, it noted that maximizing hunting opportunities is a priority of LDWF and according to Secretary Madison Shehan she has extended certain seasons.
Quail, rabbit and squirrel seasons always end on the last day of February. This year, those hunters who go after quail, chase bunnies in the briar patches or follow a squirrel dog to the tree he says the squirrel is hiding have a couple of extra days to pursue their sports. This year only, these seasons are extended to March 2.
Also, deer hunters who prefer to pursue their quarry with stick and string usually see archery season come to a close at the end of January. This year, the archery season is extended to February 2.
Since this year rabbit hunters get a couple of extra days to do it, let’s talk rabbit hunting for a second. Have you ever hunted rabbits with a pack of beagles? I have and it’s one of the most fun hunting ventures you can be part of. Here’s how it works; someone with half a dozen or so of those miniature dogs invites you to join friends on hunt rabbits.
How do you hunt rabbits? Do you sneak around trying to spot a cottontail or swamper and take a shot before it vamooses? No, that’s not how you do it. You and your partners surround a spot, usually the thickest briar patch in the area, and let the beagles do their work.
When the little dogs are released, they get to use what the Good Lord gave them, and that’s sets of lungs that produce squeals and yaps and bawling that seem impossible for dogs that small. Just when you marvel at the volume of sound beagles make as they search for the scent of a rabbit, just wait until they locate and jump a rabbit. The volume of sound and level of excitement intensifies ten-fold.
When a rabbit is jumped, it usually makes a big circle with the bawling beagles on its tail and then returns to near where it was first jumped. Those who are seasoned experienced hunters aren’t tempted to try and get ahead of the bounding bunny but wait until it circles back to the area from where it left.
When a rabbit has a bawling beagle on its tail, these little fellows are fast as lightning and it takes being ready should the streak of brown dash through the opening you’re watching. You might get him but there’s a chance you’ll be shooting at the spot he just vacated.
Rabbits make great table fare. The meat is not gamey and a meal of chicken fried rabbit, rice and gravy can be hard to beat. Thankfully this year, hunters have an extra two days to follow the beagles and hopefully get a chance at a bounding bunny.
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