Sniper Hits Trump – Not Fatal

Eerily similar to the Kennedy assassination in 1963, on July 13, 2024, a sniper narrowly missed making a fatal head shot while attempting to kill Former President Donald Trump. Trump survived, suffering a bloody right ear wound. Mere hours later the RNC nominated him as its presidential candidate to seek an unprecedented second term, after a four-year hiatus following Democrat Joe Biden being sworn in as president in 2021 following a hotly contested election in 2020. Trump would later describe the sensation of a gunshot as comparable to the world’s largest hornet flying past his head.
Despite being shot, Trump, while being protectively escorted to his vehicle, stopped, faced the crowd, and held up a fist defiantly, and shouted to the crowd “Fight, fight!”
The would-be assassin was killed by law enforcement counter snipers shortly after Trump was hit, but not before his rounds killed at least one member of the audience and injured others. Thomas Matthew Crooks was identified as the would-be assassin. Crooks reportedly used an assault rifle legally purchased by his father 11 years prior.

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