Small communities – it doesn’t get any better

I have had the good fortune to have seen the world and visited some of the largest and grandest cities in this world. It is awe inspiring to view the mega-structures, large parks and toddle through museums that capture the beauty of the world. People are also a delight to meet and investigate the various cultures and traditions that are encountered.
I had heard how the New Yorkers are so rude and care little for their fellow man. Nothing was farther from the truth. Last year while in New York we found a small Italian restaurant that became delightful to visit and enjoy the Italian cuisine. The workers could not have been more warm and welcoming. Then we stumbled inro Jr’s for breakfast and we experienced the same atmosphere. While in Athens we had to stop at the souvenir shop near the Acropolis. Of course I can’t pass up anything that looks ancient so we browsed and then we bought. Friendliness has no borders and though eight thousand miles from Farmerville the pleasantness from a different culture came through. After we made our purchase the owner slipped a small gift into our shopping bag. Unnecessary but greatly appreciated. I have realized that kindness begets kindness and if we look for the good expect to find it. Then I came to the reality that this is a small town trait that can be found in the city.
Last week the Women For Veterans held its cake sale. The call went out requesting that bakery chefs from the Union Parish area sacrifice their time and resources to make cakes to sell for the Veterans of Foreign Wars. The outpouring of love was nothing less than wonderful. No one felt it was a sacrifice. Women that love our country and appreciate the sacrifices of the men and women that went to war to defend not just the land we call America but also the values that comfort our souls were happy to support the annual bake sale. Some of these wonderful women were plagued with physical maladies but being from strong stock they performed their tasks without complaint. So proud of these wonderful ladies. One small church in the western part of the parish displayed true American spirit. When Bonnie went to pick up the cakes from the church the cakes kept coming out the sanctuary doors. Fourteen beautiful loaves of love and exceptionally good taste were loaded for the WFV sales and sell they did.
The citizens of our lovely community turned out to purchase these delightful treats. There were very few individuals that turned down the veterans when asked to make a donation and receive a delightful home-made cake that is a throwback to the early days of rural Louisiana. Some went so far as to give more than requested. Rural America at its best.
As I observed these ladies bring their cakes to the VFW building and the interface between the bakers and the ladies that were coordinating the sales and the deliveries I realized that there was nothing but friendship in the exchange of pleasantries. There were no egos and no bragging on who made what. Instead, there was pride in what was being accomplished and pleasure in knowing that others will benefit from the effort.
Thank you to all the great cooks, the people that looked into their hearts and wallets and the wonderful ladies of the WFV that made this possible.
Last week we witnessed a flood of Biblical proportion. Because of the bake sale, a nice donation is on its way to those that were ravaged by this catastrophic natural disaster. Small Communities, this is the remnant of a country that made the world safe for democracy and I am so proud to say that I am a part of it. It just doesn’t get any better.

God Bless America, God Save the Ukraine and Pray for Israel.

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