Safety Planning for DV survivors

Most people who care about DV are aware of the term “safety plan” and how it can help someone prepare to leave an abuse situation safely. But, an emotional safety plan might be a term that is not familiar; it is the idea of developing ways to move forward from a violent past.
After leaving an abusive partner, starting fresh and new environments can bring relief, but can also be both stressful and disorienting. Consider these steps as a survivor seeks to protect emotional and mental well-being.
Step 1: Understand Emotional Safety
Emotional safety means feeling accepted, according to the National Center on Domestic Violence. It is suggested to find a place where you can feel emotionally safe, such as talking to a trained advocate, about what you are going through. Often, they can validate what you are feeling and help the survivor return to a calmer emotional state.
Step 2: Address the Trauma
The physical and emotional after effects of abuse can take a toll on a person’s ability to make a plan and put it into action. Processing information and making plans can be traumatic.
Step 3: Understand Your Mixed Feelings
A survivor can be relieved to get away from abuse and still miss the partner they left. Some are still very much in love with their abusive partner. These mixed feelings are normal. The advocacy begins with reinforcing the value of a safe environment.
Step 4: Reach Out for Support, If Needed
To maintain control, many abusers isolate their partner from family and friends. All survivors’ journey’s are different—one may relish in the new independence where another may start to feel uneasy. Ask for support!

Jackie Hill, Advocate @
107 East Bayou Street Farmerville, LA 71241
Telephone: 318.36.6181

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