Honesty & Integrity Award

The Masonic Fraternity, probably the oldest of its kind in the world, is known as a charitable, and educational society whose purpose is to build up the good character of its members.  Every year the Downsville Lodge awards an Honesty & Integrity (H&I) Award to deserving High School Junior Students.  This unique award doesn’t consider any other characteristic or talent the student may have; like athletic skills, GPAs, popularity, etc.  The award only concentrates on one specific characteristic, Honesty and its cohort, Integrity.  H&I award winners are chosen after interviewing high school principals, teachers, parents, and classmates.  

The 2023 award winners for Downsville Lodge 143 are Miss Abbie Grace Barkley, the daughter of Mr. Bradley and Ginger Barkley of Downsville and Mr. Nathan H. Wolfe the son of Mr.  Ronnie and Jody Wolfe of Downsville.  

Both students are Juniors attending Downsville Charter High School.  The awards were presented to them recently with parents, grandparents, relatives and friends in attendance. The award ceremony was celebrated with an ice cream & cake social held in the Downsville Lodge Hall. Congratulations again to these two fine young people. 

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