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Response to Maui Fires Brings Katrina to Mind

If you live in Louisiana, we know all about a dysfunctional response to natural disasters. Remember Katrina? Are we witnessing another lackadaisical and dysfunctional response to the wildfire tragedy on the island of Maui in the Hawaiian lands? So far, news reports cite some 2000 businesses and homes destroyed with over 1000 residents who still remain uncounted for. Jim BrownJim …

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Friends of UPSO program designed to protect special needs residents

Jerome and Avery Wilson brought their son, Hudson, by the UPSO to thank Sheriff Gates for the Friends of UPSO program. The Friends program is designed to minimize the chance of negative interactions between law enforcement officers and people with special needs. By Luke Britt/Editor News reports of developmentally disabled people being harmed by police are always tragic, but for …

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Scotts Hideaway Road deterioration prompts complaint

Editor’s Note: This article originally contained two errors that required correction. The original article incorrectly identified Johnny Buckley as chairman of the UPPJ road committee. Buckley is on the committee but is not the chairman. The article also incorrectly identified Buckley as being in a meeting in which the responsibility for laying primer was discussed. According to UPPJ Secretary-Treasurer Paula …

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