Concerned reader speaks out

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The article about the town of Farmerville’s sewage system caught my notice. This is & has been a serious health issue for individuals recreating in the Eagle Point (& surrounding) area.

Case in point… about 18 years ago, my then 16 year old son helped build a dock for a multi- million dollar home recently built on Lake D’Arbonne in the Eagle Point drainage area indicated in your article. The day after being in the lake water, he was woke up running a 104-105 degree fever & was extremely sick. We rushed him to Urgent Care where the doctor could not identify what was the cause. Our son was then hospitalized.

An epidemiologist there identified the cause as an organism called Shigella, which is typically seen in unsanitary third world countries. After days of high powered IV antibiotics he was healed. The hospital indicated our local health unit would investigate the source. We waited for them to contact us but never heard a word!!

We are very hygienic & sanitary individuals, so we knew the organism exposure came from being in tainted Lake D’Arbonne water. Following this serious situation, my family will no longer go boating or swimming in the lake.

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