
Both political parties pose dangers

Jim BrownJim Brown is a former Louisiana state senator, Secretary of State, Commissioner of Insurance and a regular contributor to The Gazette. When I was at a young age and growing up in the Midwest, President Harry Truman led the nation out of war. Then came General Dwight Eisenhower, who confected a plan for reconstruction throughout Europe and Asia. They …

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Move, shoot and communicate

Thomas FieldsThomas “Tuffy” Fields is an author and regular contributor to The Gazette. He can be reached by email at thelouisianaexplorer@yahoo.com. The United States Army Officer Training has been a cornerstone of leadership training for our nation. A cornerstone that leaves little to doubt the ability of the U.S. Army to train America’s leader for the future. While we have …

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‘Flowerpot traumas’ to ‘Aria listening?’

Sallie HollisSallie Rose Hollis is a native of Rocky Branch and retired Journalism Professer from Louisiana Tech University. Contact her at sallierose@mail.com. Flowerpot Traumas. An interesting juxtaposition, don’t you think? It’s a word combination that’s been stuck in my head since Oct. 27, 2022. That’s the day those were the words I used to solve The New York Times’ Letter …

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Time for a rootin tootin convention

Thomas FieldsThomas “Tuffy” Fields is an author and regular contributor to The Gazette. He can be reached by email at thelouisianaexplorer@yahoo.com. It’s time for a real presidential convention. We have had some real whoppers over the years. Louisiana backed Johnson when Kennedy was selected and would later win. I knew a delegate to that convention and the back room politics …

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How to lower auto insurance costs in Louisiana

Jim BrownJim Brown is a former Louisiana state senator, Secretary of State, Commissioner of Insurance and a regular contributor to The Gazette. Louisiana legislators met last week to find legal solutions that will lower the cost of automobile bill insurance throughout the state. Hey, all you guy and gal lawmakers. There are no new laws that will make any difference. …

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China rising

Thomas FieldsThomas “Tuffy” Fields is an author and regular contributor to The Gazette. He can be reached by email at thelouisianaexplorer@yahoo.com. Many recognize China as a country of modern growth with high rise apartments, large manufacturing facilities, technological innovation and even a nation aspiring to place a flag on the moon. While this is true the road to this modern …

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Halfway there: a midsummer reflection

Sallie HollisSallie Rose Hollis is a native of Rocky Branch and retired Journalism Professer from Louisiana Tech University. Contact her at sallierose@mail.com. As we welcome July in earnest, we find ourselves standing at the year’s midpoint. Let’s do the math. Divide 366 by 2 (it’s a leap year, you know), and you get 183. Then, if we continue ciphering, we’ll …

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Voting machine changes needed across the country

By: Jim Brown After former President Donald Trump lost his reelection in 2024, there have been continuous allegations that election fraud has taken place all across the country. So here is the question. Can voting machine computers be hacked? Can the election process be manipulated? Is there widespread election fraud as many and others allege? I may be a pretty good source to …

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Words that endure for a lifetime

Thomas FieldsThomas “Tuffy” Fields is an author and regular contributor to The Gazette. He can be reached by email at thelouisianaexplorer@yahoo.com. Every once in a while a speech is given that captures the essence of the moment in its entirety. A speech that becomes etched in time and goes far beyond the original intent and portrays the conscience of an …

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Appointing federal judges is a bad idea

Jim BrownJim Brown is a former Louisiana state senator, Secretary of State, Commissioner of Insurance and a regular contributor to The Gazette. Several business groups in Louisiana, including the Louisiana Association of Business and Industry, have suggested that the state do away with the election of judges and the undue influence of campaign funds. Their proposal would be to follow …

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