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Window Decorating Contest

Farmerville Jaycee Hall - 505 E Water St, Farmerville

The 60th Annual Louisiana Watermelon Festival Window Decorating Contest will be judged Friday, July 21, 2023. Those wishing to compete should contact the Jaycee Hall to register prior to July 21.


UP Community Outreach team meeting

Old Town Hall - 407 S Main St, Farmerville

The UP Community Outreach team will hold its monthly meeting July 21 at the Old Town Hall in Farmerville. Contact Jiame Brown by email at or by phone at …

Watermelon Festival Pageants Deadline

The deadline to enter all Louisiana Watermelon Festival pageants is 5 pm, July 21. The Baby, Tiny, Little, Petite and Junior Miss pageants will be held Thursday, July 27th at 6 pm and the Teen and Miss pageants will be held Sunday, July 29th at 7 pm. Applications must be completed online at

Watermelon Festival Photo Contest Deadline

Farmerville Jaycee Hall - 505 E Water St, Farmerville

July 21 is the last day to enter the 60th Annual Watermelon Festival Photo Contest. - Contest open to photos of children 0-4 years-old, twins and pets. - 8x10 photo unframed photos must be dropped off Jaycee Hall by 5 p.m. July 21 deadline - $10 to enter - Applications can be found at