Sallie Hollis

Sallie Rose Hollis is a native of Rocky Branch and retired Journalism Professer from Louisiana Tech University. Contact her at

Seeking the ‘Hallelujah yes!’ moments

Take a moment to ponder: What’s that one thing that, when it happens, makes you want to shout, “Hallelujah – yes!” and fight the urge to do a fist pump? Sallie HollisSallie Rose Hollis is a native of Rocky Branch and retired Journalism Professer from Louisiana Tech University. Contact her at I’ll bet if you take a minute, you …

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Family saying legacy: Don’t eat they all!

Through the years we Hollises have accumulated a potpourri of sayings that we cherish and never tire of repeating. Some we coined ourselves; some we collected from other sources. Often, I remember them around the holidays, from all those wonderful family gatherings of the past. Sallie HollisSallie Rose Hollis is a native of Rocky Branch and retired Journalism Professer from …

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Failed resolutions still have value

Happy New Year! And with this fresh start, we have another chance to get our act together. Resolutions are an integral part of New Year’s Day, as iconic as Champagne flutes and funny hats.Resolutions date to the ancient Babylonians of 4,000 years ago who made promises to earn the favor of their gods and, presumably, their neighbors, as some of …

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Unwrapping Curious Christmas Traditions

When it comes to unique and unforgettable holiday traditions, we Louisianians know how to shine. Our festive customs could easily compete for the spotlight – or in this case, the Christmas gifts – with those from around the globe. Sallie HollisSallie Rose Hollis is a native of Rocky Branch and retired Journalism Professer from Louisiana Tech University. Contact her at …

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Niece’s mermaid tale hits shelves

My 7-year-old great-niece told a mermaids’ tail, and it’s now a published book.Oops. I mean: a mermaids’ tale.Yes, my great-niece Anabelle Rose Lundy wrote a book at age 7, “Three and a Half Mermaids,” and now at age 12 she’s seeing it published. Just in time for Christmas, it’s available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Walmart and a host of …

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Celebri-tease headlines: a trivial fixation

The news item that started it all had this headline: “Kendall Jenner Struggles to Climb Stairs in Fitted Dress at Kourtney’s Wedding.” Sallie HollisSallie Rose Hollis is a native of Rocky Branch and retired Journalism Professer from Louisiana Tech University. Contact her at I just had to take a screenshot of that “news story” when it appeared in my …

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Navigating life through a literal lens

When I was a tyke of 5 or 6, I found a tick on the left side of my chest. I was terrified.   I had heard that ticks suck your blood, and there sat a tick – right on top of my lifeblood. Surely he was going to drain my heart dry. I was going to die.  Sallie HollisSallie Rose …

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Once in a blue moon event on tap

If you’ve been waiting for that special something that happens once in a blue moon, this may be your lucky month – and you’ve got three weeks to prepare for it. A blue moon will occur Aug. 31. Sallie HollisSallie Rose Hollis is a native of Rocky Branch and retired Journalism Professer from Louisiana Tech University. Contact her at …

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Seeking smiles and glimmers of joy

I’ve been needing a little pick-me-up lately. Hey, it happens. As we journey through life (please refer to the overall name of this column), we encounter moments of joy, sorrow and everything in between. So in my ponderings today, I’m wondering what topics might bring me – and as a result, you – a moment of merriment. You know how …

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Curious? Ask the enigma explorer

Curious? Ask the Enigma Explorer Picture this. You’re at a red light, several cars back. The light turns green, and the vehicles slowly begin to move forward, one at a time. Almost an everyday occurrence, right? Not a big deal, right? Contributed bySallie HollisSallie Rose Hollis is a native of Rocky Branch and retired Journalism Professer from Louisiana Tech University. …

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