Artificial Intelligence – Your Next Update

Artificial Intelligence is a rapidly developing field of science.
Whether it be overseas or locally in Louisiana, A.I. continues to
evolve and change as time passes. Although the concept of machine
learning is difficult to grasp for most people, the ramifications of
this field of expertise will have imposing detrimental impact on the
job market in its entirety, including locally run businesses.
Artificial Intelligence, also known as machine learning or
A.I., is the scientific pursuit of an automatically generated series
of thoughts and processes that seek to simulate a human mind.
Using algorhythms, these programs can automatically generate
answers to questions, write entire essays, create graphics, create
sorting systems, simulate conversation with fictional characters,
simulate conversation with real people, digitally recreate voices
and reuse them to say anything prompted—virtually anything
that a human brain can do. This vast scale of possibilities can be
quite intimidating, and can also lead to the line of questioning as
to when people will be entirely replaced in the workplace. In some
forms, this systematic replacement of people by way of machine
has already started: grocery store checkout lines, ordering meals
by apps before even showing up to the restaurant, package sorting
systems in delivery warehouses, A.I. art being used in promotional
material for Hollywood movies.
Locally, at schools across the country, students are using
ChatGPT to answer their homework for them. Although teachers
and professors are slowly catching onto this, regardless of their
input, students continue to cheat their way to easy work by plugging
in prompts and even producing entire essays written only using A.I.
Several schools have been forced to create new A.I. policies on their

syllabi, stressing that the use of artificially generated work would
not be viable for submission and will be promptly disregarded as
a sort-of new form of plagiarism. Some students have even been
caught for posting on social media bragging about how easy it is to
create essays using ChatGPT.
A.I. data centers have been unveiled by the Meta corporation in
Northern Louisiana to the tune of $10 billion. Although this would
bring about many, many new jobs, the primary focus of Artificial
Intelligence is to seek out a point of human irrelevance; these jobs
seek to build a facility that focuses on people eventually having less
and less jobs.
Embarrassingly for these major companies, the country of China
has actually developed an A.I. more advanced than the entirety
of the U.S. founded artificial intelligences: Deepseek. Not only is
the Deepseek A.I. software significantly more advanced, it is also
entirely open public access. This new chatbot can easily answer
questions and perform tasks at a much faster rate than A.I. such as
ChatGPT. This raises the question that after a significant number of
developments, at what point will A.I. be so advanced that it will no
longer be identifiable as artificial at all?
Several graphic artists and writers have begun strikes over the
threat of Artificial Intelligence. As this software is so easy to use,
several studios have opted to not hiring as many graphic designers
to projects and simply relying on A.I. to create graphics for their
works—this, of course, also extends to the work of screenwriters
and authors alike. These creatives protest that the work of machines
is nowhere in quality to the work of a human mind, and they worry
that the unforeseeable end goal of A.I. is to be completely and utterly
human-deprived. Although some writers strikes have concluded,
these hot-pan debates continue to spark tension throughout the
artist community.

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