America’s President

America has had numerous presidents of the United States. The current position is identified as the 47th president. Much history has transpired since George Washington led a ragged army, turned it into a force to be reckoned with and defeated the strongest army in the world enroute to winning independence for our fledgling nation.
Each president has left their own legacy and some stick out above their contemporaries. Some of these special presidents made bold, almost heretic, decisions that would change or enhance the direction of our great nation. Thomas Jefferson spent a fortune to buy a land mass that many thought was a waste of resources. It was not until Lewis and Clarke returned from their expedition that it was realized just how important the Louisiana Purchase was. The same could be said of the purchase of Alaska and the building of the Panama Canal. Brave men with a vision of what can be and not merely what is; maintain the status quo and remain safe.
One of these visionaries has shown great intestinal fortitude. During his life he would not cower down to the whims of the power brokers. He lived under the mantra that you do what is right and accept the consequences. If the government needs to be shaken up, that is what is done. The Panama Canal is viewed as a fundamental aspect of world commerce and is very important to universal trade. The key to world peace is a strong military and projecting this power will keep the world safe and free of the villains. When something has to be changed, it is. Being brave and steady in the face of overwhelming odds is an attribute of our referenced president.
While many may think I am talking about our current president. I am not. The American President who was just described is Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt. Like Roosevelt, Trump traveled overseas with his family and thus gained a cosmopolitan view of life while experiencing the life of an expat for a short time. They both were born in New York but neither attended public school.
Roosevelt attended Harvard and later Columbia Law School. He was elected to the New York House of Representatives and immediately made a name for himself as a fighter against corruption.
Teddy would become police commissioner and radically reformed the police force. Roosevelt implemented regular inspections of firearms and physical exams and appointed recruits based on their physical and mental qualifications rather than political affiliation. He made enemies but his sense of right and his ability to take charge led to him becoming the undersecretary of the Navy. He would later give instructions without the knowledge of the secretary of the navy that would lead to Admiral Dewey engaging and defeating the Spanish fleet in the battle of Mobile Bay. When President McKinley declared war on Spain, Roosevelt resigned as Undersecretary and was a major part of the formation of the First U.S. Volunteer Calvary Regiment. He went on to charge San Juan Heights and became a legend among American heroes.
As much as he had done he was a pain in the side of many liberals and those that did not want to see change. When it came time to run for national office he was placed on the platform as the Vice President candidate. This way he could be placed in the background and no longer be a threat to the party. Roosevelt won Vice President and six months later the President was assassinated and Roosevelt took over the office as the new President of the United States.
Roosevelt broke up many large international trusts. Biography Brands noted about Roosevelt, “Even his friends occasionally wondered whether there wasn’t any custom or practice too minor for him to try to regulate, update or otherwise improve.” He prosecuted corrupt Indian Agents and Members of the Postal Service. Historians say that he moved expeditiously and decisively to remove corruption from the administration. He used many executive orders to carve out land for national use such as parks and monuments.
It has been suggested that Teddy Roosevelt was one of the greatest Presidents in American History. We will have to wait to see how History judges President Trumps accomplishments.

God Bless America, God Save the Ukraine and Pray for Israel.

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