It’s Ramadan

The Muslim Holy Month of Ramadan began last week.This is known as one of the five pillars of Islam and all Muslims are obliged to participate.I recall my first Ramadan in Saudi Arabia and it showed the sacrifices that must be endured during the Holy month.Ramadan moves forward eleven days each year.This means that the Muslim calendar will add one year every thirty-three years.
When I first arrived in Saudi Arabia it was mid-July and very hot.Two weeks later it was Ramadan.The Holy month began with the sound of a cannon being fired in the early morning just as the sun broke the horizon.Mothers and wives had prepared a meal for members of the family and this meal was served prior to the sunrise.Once the sun rose a Muslim is not allowed to eat or drink until night.Smoking is not allowed nor is any intimate contact with another person.It is a time for religious reflection.
Many laborers came from Pakistan and other Muslim dominated countries.These guys would be working outdoors during the day without water and it must have been quite grueling.It was understood that if you were not a Muslim you are not required to fast or give up other compulsory requirements.It was also understood that you would not eat, drink or smoke in front of a Muslim.I recall the story of a westerner in Ras Tanura walking out into the hall of his work area.He lit up a cigarette and immediately a Muslim worker walked over and snatched the cigarette out of the workers mouth.The worker hit the Muslim.That night the worker was on a plane out of Arabia never to return.
Once Ramadan came a day early.Ramadan begins when the crescent moon is first seen and then ends the next time the crescent moon is seen for the first time.This means that Ramadan can last 29 to 30 days.A co-worker and friend said his mother called him about five in the morning and in a frantic voice told her son to get up and get something to eat.Ramadan came early since one of the religious leader said he saw the sliver of the crescent moon, thus the event would begin at sunrise the next day.Each morning of Ramadan a cannon could be heard to signify the beginning of the day and fasting would begin.Each evening the cannon would once again be heard and signify that evening prayers were to be held and the feasting could begin.
Different countries celebrate the nightly fasting in different styles.In Saudi Arabia in downtown Al Khobar it was like a festival. Some foreign workers were surprised that the home of the religion celebrated in such a way during the holy month; however, there was nothing indignant with the joyous evening.
The beauty of our great nation is that religion is allowed to be practiced according to ones religious beliefs.It is not that way in all countries but our founding fathers addressed freedom of religion.Unfortunately when it comes to the Jewish religion the freedom to worship has been lost in certain parts of our country.Our laws must be enforced and those that break them must be punished.We must allow religious freedom of all religions.

God Bless America, God Save the Ukraine and God Bless Israel.

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