Creed – Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor:

Well, it looks like the decision has been made. Keeping the public informed and allowing them to view the monthly meetings appears to be a thing of the past now.
After spending $21,000 in public funds to make that possible, that equipment can now be sold at auction as surplus property, I suppose, since the UPPJ apparently has decided to stop live feeds of its’ meetings, since the last three meetings have not been live streamed to the public. Wasteful spending has become second nature to the few who call the shots on the Police Jury. I suppose that would be a reason not to video the meetings for the public, so as to not expose their spending habits.
As we saw last meeting, the way to correct the poor management skills of the landfill superintendent is to spend more money. When it’s evident that he can’t fix a five-minute work time problem, just go ahead and authorize 12.5 hours of overtime for each pay period for the five employees that he supervises!
That only adds up to approximately $5000 a year but that’s just chump change!
But we can’t stop there! The superintendent who can’t tie his shoes without instructions must be rewarded for his lack of management skills and the only proper thing to do is give him a raise. And he did get his raise!!!
Enjoy the sunshine ☀!!!

Johnny Creed
Retired, La. Dept. of Public Safety & Corrections
Union Parish Resident

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