Church News

Antioch Baptist Church

3501 Hwy 828
Farmerville, LA

Sunday School – 9:30 am
Sunday Worship – 10:30 am
Wednesday – 6:30 pm

Bethel Temple Pentecostal Church

2144 Hwy 33 North
Marion, LA

Sunday School – 11 am
Sunday Worship – Noon

Canaan Baptist Church

502 Canaan Church Rd.
Spearsville, LA

Sunday School – 10 am
Sunday Worship – 11 am

Bro. Brian Williams

Conway Baptist Church Homecoming

4323 HWY 549

North of Farmerville

Sunday, September 24, 2023

10 AM: Smith Family in Concert

11 AM: Memorial and Worship Service

Rev. Terry Mims, Guest Speaker

Lunch will follow in the Family Life Center.

Bro. Will Englerth, Pastor, invites friends and families

of present and former members to attend.

Dean Baptist Church

2309 Hwy 827
Marion, LA

Sunday School – 9:45 am
Sunday Worship – 11 am
Wednesday – 6:30 pm

Dean Baptist Church has had baptisms two weeks in a row at the river.  What a blessed time this has been. We are praising God for everything He is doing! Breakfast fellowship September 8 at 9am. Everyone is welcome to attend. The Ladies meeting at Misty Kennedy’s is September 12th 6 pm. Devotion, fellowship, and food. All ladies are welcome. Youth Night at Conway Baptist Church September 21st. Contact Pam Roberson or Misty Kennedy for more information. Fall festival at the church October 12th 5pm. Homecoming October 13th with Bro Will Englerth. Service starts at 10:30 am. Make your plans to attend. Community Trunk or Treat at Union Parish Courthouse Square October 27th. We are asking for donations of bags of candy. Collection of non-perishable food items will start Sunday to be donated to the Trees of Righteousness in Farmerville. The kids will collect donations through the end of the month. A box will be at the back of the church. 

Evergreen Baptist Church

1380 Par Rd. 4410
Bernice, LA

Farmerville Methodist Church

301 Anthony Street
Farmerville, LA

Sunday School – 10 am
Sunday Worship – 11 am

Rev. Hank Hamilton

Last week we spoke of compassion and learned that compassion is the physical act of helping someone in whatever their situation might be. There have probably been times when you were moved by someone else’s situation and in that moment you thought to yourself, “There but for the grace of God go I”. This thought is completely normal and natural. It should lead us back to compassion (action); done with humility. That proverbial expression that means you could easily have been in the same difficult or unpleasant situation as someone else and you are grateful that you are not. It also shows a sense of humility and reliance on God’s mercy. It’s widely thought that the phrase was first spoken by English evangelical preacher and martyr, John Bradford (circa1510-1555) when seeing criminals being led to the scaffold. But the earliest recorded use of the word was found in “A Treatise on Prayer” by Edward Bickersteth in 1822; in which the author repeats the Bradford story. Bradford is known for his remarkable life as a broken-hearted sinner, a self-condemning saint, a firm believer, a man of prayer, a preacher with power, and a comforter of others. He is said to have uttered the expression this way; “There but for the grace of God, goes John Bradford”. Unfortunately, he didn’t enjoy that grace for long. He was burned at the stake for alleged crimes against Queen Mary I (Bloody Mary). History says he remained calm, humble and confident in his faith and his fate. It was told that he comforted a fellow victim (John Leaf) by telling him, “We shall have a merry supper with the Lord this night”. Are we Jesus compassionate? – Jesus humble? “When He went ashore he saw a great crowd, and He was moved with compassion on them and healed their sick.” Matthew 14:14 “Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.” Colossians 3:12 “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14 Please pray that Jesus watch over us and heal the sickness that’s in the world today. Pastor Bradford’s final prayer was; “O England, England, repent thee of thy sins! Beware of idolatry, beware of the false antichrist, take heed they do not deceive you.”                                              

First Baptist Church Farmerville

400 N. Main St.
Farmerville, LA

Sunday School – 9:45 am
Sunday Worship -11 am and 6 pm
Wednesday – 6 pm

Pastor Kurt Auger

Success in the Christian life comes when we focus on and follow the Lord. Joshua 8:30-35, relates a renewed commitment, a refocusing, by the Israelites to the Law of God. Through hardship and defeat, followed by success from doing it God’s way, they had learned lessons that are applicable in our lives as well: Our power is not in ourselves. Our victories are not of ourselves. Even our identity, as Christians, is not found in ourselves. “Keep the focus off of me, and help me focus on Thee!” When we remember who we were, and what God has done for us, we will have an awareness of our dependence on God. This will move us into a time of profound gratitude, repentance, and authentic servanthood. The greatest witness we have is not merely showing up at church on Sunday morning. No, the greatest witness is allowing those who know us best to see the power of God in our lives, the changes He has made; the attitudes He has changed; and the victories He has provided in our lives. This happens only when we keep our focus on Jesus. Today, let us commit to refocusing on Him and His will for our lives and for His church. 

First Baptist Church Marion

3097 Taylor St.
Marion, LA

Sunday School – 9:30 am
Sunday Worship – 10:30 am and 11:30 am
Sunday Night – 6 pm
Wednesday – 7 pm

Pastor Bubba Hoggatt

As we celebrate Labor Day, Bro. Bubba reminded us that we should be concerned with our spiritual work. What should be our standard for doing the work of God? Psalms 145 gives a pattern of how we should be living. Verse four tells us to pass the praises of God from one generation to the next. We do this by the way we live and with the topics of our conversation. We should look for opportunities to tell others of the greatness of God. No matter where we are, nor what our circumstances are, the world needs to see the greatness of God in our lives. Our conversation does not need to focus on the terrible things going on in our country. Nothing happens that God does not know about and allow to happen. He is still in control. We still live in a great country. We need to share the love of Jesus and tell about salvation. Show people a calmness in our lives that only God can bring. We should teach compassion. The Lord is good, slow to anger, and of great mercy. We need to let others know that they are God’s greatest creation and He cares. Psalm 145: 8-16. God’s kingdom is an eternal kingdom. Our labor should show this by the way we live and love others. Our conversation should extol God’s love and mercy. 

Haile Church of Christ

270 Mina Parker Rd.
Marion, LA

Sunday Worship – 9:30 am and 10:45 am
Weds. – 6:30 pm

Hopewell Baptist Church

1578 Lem Rd. Spearsville

Wednesday night bible study – 6:30pm

Children’s church: Work can be a labor for Jesus. Whatever you do, do it whole heartly. God gives us an ability to something well, we are do everything for the Glory of God. Sermon: Isiah 40:3 Do you know God’s voice? When God calls us he called our voice. He uses out voices to share the gospel. When God Calls your name can you hear him? Do you listen when he calls you? He has something for each of us to do. God’s voice will honor Christ. What is he calling you to do? The world needs more truth from Christians. Don’t believe all of the voices speaking to you, they may not be from God. The ole devil will try his best to speak to us and get us to follow him and persuade you to do things that are not pleasing to God. Hold your ground and stand firm on your faith and remember what God is calling you to do. The ole devil hates to lose in the battle. God’s voice is consistent in his word. He is always on track. He is the WAY, the Truth and the LIFE. So again, stand firm on the WORD of GOD and listen to what he is calling you to do!! If you are looking for a home church, we invite you to join us we would love to have you!! “Lord Jesus, I confess that I have sinned against You. I turn from my sin right now. I believe that You died on the cross to pay the penalty for my sins. I receive You as the Lord and Savior of my life. I give my life to You. In Jesus’ name, amen.” Revival starts 9/8/24 to 9/11/24 7pm nightly Bro. Tony Walton will preach Sunday and Tuesday and Bro. Nick Andrews will preach Monday and Wednesday. We welcome you to come join us each Sunday. Sunday school starts at 10am, preaching at 11am. Sunday night starts at 5pm Wednesday night Bible study starts at 6pm.

Lakeview Missionary Baptist Church

10078 Hwy 15
Farmerville, LA

Sunday School – 10 am
Sunday Worship – 11 am and 6 pm
Wednesday – 6 pm

While we may be tested by people pretending to faithfully serve Christ, it is ultimately the word of God we need to listen to.  From Revelation Chapter 2:9-17 There are times when we feel like we have been stripped of everything we love. It is in these times that we must remember that having faith in Christ is what truly makes us wealthy.  When I was growing up, hearing different interpretations of the scripture made me question if I was truly following the word of God. I felt, and sometimes still feel, empty. With all that we see and hear today, even in our churches, this empty feeling has returned. Making me, once again, question myself, but this time I find myself questioning others around me. It is in the Book of Revelation where we can turn to remember that “he that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; He that over cometh shall not be hurt of the second death” (Revelation 2:10). By listening to the word of Christ, and not those who use His name to promote their own ideas, we can avoid the tribulations that come from following the word of heretics. We should expect, and deserve, for our churches to follow the word and teachings of Christ. While there are certainly examples of institutions that misrepresent the fundamentals of Christianity, as followers of God, we need to remember that ultimately our devotion is to Him, and Him alone. I have been in the past, and again now, overwhelmed by different people telling me how to properly be a Christian. It was, and is now, in the scripture that I found, and continue to find, the courage to only follow the word of God, and find comfort in knowing, in my own heart, what it means to be a true follower of the Lord. With the amount of information and news we are bombarded with on a daily basis, it is very necessary for all of us to take a step back and question the validity of what we are hearing. Revelation 2:9-17 warns us of those who pretend to be someone they are not to try and persuade us to act against our better judgement. It’s scary to watch evil prosper in the world and in our churches.  When we see this evil it often makes us feel overwhelmed and powerless because there’s nothing we can do. Right? Wrong!  There is something we can do. We can pray to our Father and find rest and comfort knowing that all things occur as part of His plan.  We need to rest our worried minds in the comfort of His mighty, loving hands! We need to have faith in God’s plan. (Inspired and written from an article by David Jacob’s)

Liberty Missionary Baptist Church

Spearsville, LA

Sunday School – 10 am
Sunday Worship 11 am and 6 pm
Wednesday – 6 pm

Bill Styron, Pastor

Last Sunday night we were blessed to have the folks from Bethany. Each time just seems to get better and better. Bro. Bill delivered God’s message from Genesis 12: “Now the Lord had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country and from thy kindred, and from thy father’s house, unto a land that I will shew thee. And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing. And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.” Having faith in God is the beginning of obedience. Abram based his relationship with God on his confidence in the fact that God would do what He said. Romans 4:20 says “He staggered not at the promise of God through un belief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God; and being fully persuaded that, what he had promised, He was able also to do.” Faith comes by believing the Word of God and placing trust in it. The more you read and study the Word, the more you learn to trust. We must also learn to wait on God’s timing. Waiting on His timing brings obedience. He is always on time – never late. Growing in obedience is not putting God’s plan subject to worldly reasoning. God told Abraham he would have a son, but it was 25 years before God’s promise was completed. God told him his son would bless the entire world. Then God told Abraham to sacrifice his son. But God knew Abraham’s heart of obedience. God provided a ram. Obedience to God must also be prompt. In His time – not ours. Our responsibility is to obey.

Litroe Church of God in Christ

357 Riley Trestle Rd Marion LA 71260

Please join us for our 100th year Anniversary Revival and Celebration! September 13th – 15th at 7pm and Sunday September 17th at 11am.

My Father’s House

4774 Hwy. 151
Downsville, LA

Take heed for the kingdom of Heaven is at hand. Our words may not be understood by the multitude but God has promised to do certain things for those who love Him and keep His commandments. Jesus said, “if you do not forgive, my Father in Heaven will not forgive.” Unforgiveness is a cancer that will destroy. Please understand that the way is narrow that leads to life and few find it.

Mt. Patrick Baptist Church

1232 Patrick Church Rd.
Bernice, LA

We are having One Step Higher and the Easley Kids on Saturday Aug. 24th at 6pm. Come join us and hear some great gospel.

New Hopewell Baptist Church

113 Plum St.
Bernice, LA

Rev. Greg Williams

Sunday School – 9:45 am
Sunday Worship – 11:15 am
Wednesday – 6:15 pm

Bible Study Teleconference #: 605-562-8401 (Access Code 6708350)

Christ Association/Union Food Pantry the last Thursday of each month 1-5 pm. Please bring a state-issued license or ID and a bill proving you live in Union Parish.

Our Lady of Perpetual Help

600 E. Water St.
Farmerville, LA

Saturday Mass (Spanish) – 7 pm
Sunday Mass (English) – 9 am
1st Wednesday Mass – 6 pm

Redeemed Church of Marion

3062 Taylor Street
Marion, LA
(318) 201-5306

Sunday Worship – 10 am

Pastors Richard and Mickie Hinkle

Pastor Richard Hinkle would like to invite you to Redeemed Center of Marion. We are located at the former Marion High School Gymnasium on 3062 Taylor Street in Marion. We meet each Sunday at 10:30 for praise and worship, as well as an uplifting Word that will inspire and encourage you to rediscover your purpose in life.. We are presently a small group with a big heart for hurting people who are battling some of the same things that we are. We’re a Spirit filled and Spirit led group of believers who have experienced the grace of God. Redeemed Center of Marion is not your typical church. Our ministry is designed to re-purpose broken lives. There are men and women who have struggled in their lives with addictions of all kinds (drugs, alcohol, etc…) who may not be accepted in the typical or traditional church setting. In fact, they may still be battling some of these issues. They may have had a past of incarceration, rehab, broken relationships, or just a bad reputation from being raised in a negative culture. They may not look the part of a clean cut polished Christian. Redeemed Center welcomes these individuals to come and worship with us and learn how to rediscover God’s love and purpose for your lives. You will not be judged, but you will be accepted, valued, and discipled. Pastor Richard

Rocky Branch Baptist Church

Sunday School – 9:45 am
Sunday Worship -10:45 am and 6 pm
Wednesday – 6:30 pm

Associate Pastor Stephen Murry

Revelation 1:12-19: and in the midst of the seven lampstands One like the Son of Man . . . Jesus Christ the Incarnation of God. Symbolism is used to describe Jesus as a Commanding Christ, who came the first time as our Suffering Savior, and will return as Righteous Judge. His head and hair were white like wool, as white as snow, and His eyes like a flame of fire. Whereas sin stains us, the blood of Jesus washes us as white as snow. His eyes penetrate through the heart; nothing is hidden from Him. As Communicating Christ, His voice as the sound of many waters, and all will hear Him. The angels represent the pastors and HE will hold these churches together in His hand and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it – Matthew 16:18. Through the ages, in spite of what has come against the Church, it still stands. HE had in His right hand seven stars, out of His mouth went a sharp two-edged sword – The only weapon mentioned in Ephesians 6:17 – the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. When this world is over, the ‘Living’ Word will still stand. And when I saw Him, I fell at His feet as dead. And as our Comforting Christ, HE laid His right hand on me, saying to me, “Do not be afraid; I am the First and the Last. I am HE who lives, and was dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore. Amen. HE has the keys. All we have to do is walk through the Door.

Woodlawn Baptist Church

646 Hicks Frazier Rd.
Farmerville, LA

Sunday School – 9 am
Sunday Worship – 10 am
Wednesday Bible Study – 6 pm

Rev. Adrian Nelson

Zion Hill Baptist Church

899 Cypress Creek
Farmerville, LA

Zion Hill Missionary Baptist Church

1409 Zion Hill Church Road

Dr. Tommy L. Carr, Pastor

Please join us each day for spiritual uplifting and anointing where you can join other Christians in prayer; Christians should Unite in times like these!!! “The prayers of the righteous availeth much.” – James 5:16.